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Saturday, January 06, 2007

Lizzie and Albert (circa 1915), Acrylic Collage, 10 x 10



Diane Widler Wenzel said...

Relating your family history in paintings as you are doing is wonderful and dramatic. I am very excited about what you are doing. Keep up this process. I am eagerly waiting for each new post.

Joyce said...

Thnaks, Diana. It's a strange process because I am beginning to realize just how little attention I paid to the stories my family told. I only remember such sketchy details and can only imagine faintly the emotional content the stories carried. I wish I had listened better.

Martha Marshall said...

Yes, the stories. And how wonderful to be an artist and actually bring them to life in paint. I'm grateful to my sister for nurturing and passing on our family's stories in her genealogy work. She has written down volumes of them, and also collected oral histories on tape.

Joyce said...

Martha, how fortunate you are to have such a good chronicler in your family! To have the histories on tape would be wonderful too. I can only hear my mother's voice in my head and sometimes in my own ways of expressing certain things.