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Monday, January 01, 2007

Ancestors 1, Collage on Canvas, 10 x 10

Original and Altered Paintings



Diane Widler Wenzel said...

Ancestors 1 matches the emotions I read in your information. It has all these jagged parallel lines unlike a natural tree. Very expressive. Love what you are doing and it gives me ideas. I want to share it with my new found relatives. I promised them I would type in the family tree information into a standard computer software. I have been procrastinating. Thanks for sharing. Happy New Year.

Joyce said...

Diane, I also was put in charge of collecting the information for our family tree (at least a portion of it). My mother started the project just before she died and I finished it afterwards. I sent each relative (who was alive and whose address I could get) one of the finished
charts (about twenty, I think).

I got to learn a lot about family members that way. Many of them I have never met and probably will never meet.

I would be interested in your project once it is underway.

Pat Paulk said...

I love the combination of art and photography!! What interesting family history you have. Thanks for sharing.