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Monday, September 10, 2007

Green Pear 5 (Mosaic), Watercolour, 10 x 8


sandy said...


sandy said...

Yesterday at a thrift store I bought a used book called "Saint Valentine" retold and illustrated by Robert Sabuda. All of his art work illustrations in the book were done with that same mosaic look and I was in awe of this...and here today you put this up...or maybe yesterday, same day I had found the book.

what a coincidence...

Joyce this is so beautiful.


sandy said...

One more thing...I love all your work but as of now this is my very favorite...

Diane Widler Wenzel said...

Of all your pear paintings, this one brings together symbolism of the mossaic as a medium for spiritual icons and the pear as a symbol of fruitfullness. The pear is surounded by blue light making it celestial.

Joyce said...

Wow, Diane. You bring a lot of information into the painting. Thanks. Sandy, I will look up Sabuda to see if he has work online. I got a little inspiration with the pear because when I bought it, the check-out boy lay the pear on the counter and said, Now there's a painting. So I had to paint it a few times. The pear is getting riper and riper!!!