I live in rural New Brunswick which provides most of the subject matter of my paintings. I have a three-wheeled bicycle with a large basket on the back where I can store my paints, a chair and a table and anything else needed. When I am painting, I am in a world of pure concentration. My goal is to create spontaneous, balanced and authentic works of art with the hope that people who see my art will feel the same kind of pleasure that I do.
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Thursday, February 01, 2007
My First Monoprint (Leaves and Fishes), Acrylic on 140 lb Bockingford, 15 x 12
My husband's comment: Looks like something an elephant would paint!
Pretty doggone cool, Joyce! Stop, you're making me want to do more monoprints!
Thanks for linking to my post.
Thanks, Martha. I can see why these monoprints are addictive!
There are some pretty talented elephants out there then. I especially love the veins in the leaves. Love to see Dumbo do that!!
Very cool - love the colours. And love the comment from your husband. Sounds like the sort of thing mine says ;-)
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